BLOG POST #15 [10 Points] The Plot Against America #2
BLOG POST #15 [10 Points]
How does Sandy and Aunt Evelyn begin to take advantage of the opportunities that the Lindbergh administration present to them? How does Herman (Philip's, the narrator's, father) react to these opportunities?
BLOG POST #14 The Plot Against America #1
BLOG POST #14 [10 Points]
In what ways do Sandy and Alvin react differently to the prospect of Charles Lindbergh becoming president? How does Roth use their different life situations and talents to hint at what their responses might be?
BLOG POST #13—Drama Paper
BLOG POST #13 [10 Points]
How does Edward Albee represent middle class American life in "The Zoo Story"?
Do you think he is fair in his representation? Do you think that his depiction of 1950s middle class life is still valid today?
BLOG POST #12 "The American Dream" by Edward Albee
BLOG POST #12 [10 Points]
How does Edward Albee represent middle class American life in "The American Dream"?
Do you think he is fair in his representation?